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The Pour Over exists to be a trustworthy news resource guiding people toward eternal hope.

We imagine a world where people will display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control when responding to current events.

Jason Woodruff

Founder, Editor in Chief

If you’re upset… this is who you’re upset with. Jason is a PK who thought he’d be a pastor but ended up writing emails for a living. He’s not very athletic. Keeps telling Whipple to boost growth by giving away a Tesla. He and his wife, Hannah, have two daughters.

Kathleen Wadkins

Head of Content

If you like our news… this is who you like. She coordinates the mayhem and gets the newsletters out on time. She is quite funny (but less funny than she thinks she is). Keeps telling Nate to give away more money. She and her husband, Todd, have two kids.

Nate Wells

Head of Business

We don’t let him write anything, but he’s good with numbers and business-y things. He’s annoyingly athletic and is the only one who takes notes during meetings (which is, admittedly, quite helpful). He and his wife, Ari, have too many kids.

Matt Whipple

Head of Growth

This guy loves teeth. We assumed growing newsletters was easy because he grew us to 250,000+ subscribers while in dental school, but he’s proven hard to replace. (And we’ve tried… a lot.) He and his wife, Madison, have one son.

Emily Hansen

Partnerships Manager

Emily is like The Pour Over’s fairy godmother. Sometimes, we hand her a pumpkin of a spreadsheet and bippity boppity boom, she turns it into a resource we couldn’t function without. And go ahead, try to get a minor error past her. You won't. She and her husband, Ben, have three sons.

Elly Hamby

Partnerships Manager

Elly loves prisons and giving sponsors an excellent experience. She joined the team shortly before getting married, so imagine our surprise the first time we experienced her undivided, no-longer-also-planning-a-wedding attention. Wow, it was like staring into the sun.

Matt DeLange


Will Bruno


Matt and Will are our editors from across the aisle. One is an Ivy League-educated medical provider and the other is a lawyer—so they’re stubborn. Despite their political differences, they work excellently together at reviewing our stories. Take notes, Congress.

Steph, Xan, and Bailey are the ones who actually put pen to paper (well… Google Doc), distilling complex topics and seasoning stories with humor. They’re some of the only truly qualified people who work at TPO, with relevant degrees and work experience in both theology and writing. Showoffs.

Xan Sibley


Steph Juliot


Bailey Parmley


Stephanie Wainwright


The main reason we aren’t booed out of inboxes – she prevents roughly 1,500 typos per email. Kathleen is her daughter (and boss).

Courtney Davis

Administrative Assistant

The person who actually reads our email replies. She handles customer support and staff retreats… generally making us seem more put together than we are. She’s extremely kind… unless you are playing competitive social deduction games. Then the gloves come off.

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